Research & Data Reports: Archive
Older reports and studies.

AHMA’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan
Passed by our members to define and direct our goals to achieve our mission to lead and advance the housing rights for all Indigenous People living in British Columbia.

National Housing Strategy Recommendations
AHMA, October 2016
Through engagement with their Housing Providers, AHMA submitted this report with recommendations in response to the Canadian Government call for input into a National Housing Strategy.

Indigenous Housing Guide
AHMA, September 2015
A guide to providing culturally-appropriate housing for Aboriginal communities in British Columbia. This is a guide was created through a series of interviews and new development examples from AHMA’s Aboriginal Housing Providers.

Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future
Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada, July 2015
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was a commission like no other in Canada. Constituted and created by the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, which settled the class actions, the Commission spent six years travelling to all parts of Canada to hear from the Aboriginal people who had been taken from their families as children, forcibly if necessary, and placed for much of their childhoods in residential schools.

The Roots of Aboriginal Homelessness in Canada
AHMA, October 2012
Canada faces a national crisis in Aboriginal homelessness. While homelessness has also risen among the general population in recent decades, Aboriginal people are greatly over represented among the homeless.

Aboriginal Housing: Why and How?
AHMA, October 2009
This report summarizes the historical, judicial, and policy arguments supporting the Aboriginal right to self-governance, focusing on off-reserve governance, particularly with regard to housing.